
VisitEDUfinn is now offering webinars for all those who are interested in knowing more about Finnish education. For private groups, we can offer both introductory and workshop-type sessions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at or +358 405 526 031.


One year after - How Finnish teachers have managed to maintain the high level of teaching during the past 12 months?

Covid-19 Lockdown teaching

The webinar format: introductory

Thursday 22nd of April 2020 at 16:00-17:00 pm EEST (UTC/GMT+3)

COVID-19 has brought challenges but also opportunities for teachers and schools to re-organize their functions and practices in a more efficient and modern way. What benefits these practices have brought to students’ learning, teachers’ working, and schools’ work as organizations? And what challenges the remote teaching has created for students’ and teachers’ well-being, and how the problems of well-being have been solved? These topics will be discussed by a few experienced Finnish teachers. The discussion will be facilitated by Suvi K. Westling, who is a researcher and trainer of educational psychology.


Covid-19 Lockdown teaching

Hacer lo imposible posible: soluciones de la escuela finesa en asegurar el aprendizaje y bienestar de sus alumnos, en la situación excepcional de COVID-19.

Webinar on Covid-19

Martes 5 de mayo de 2020 a las 17 horas – 5 PM (UTC/GMT) – 60 min

La pandemia ha cerrado todas las escuelas en Finlandia, por el momento al menos hasta el 13 de mayo de 2020, pero el aprendizaje de los alumnos – y de hecho toda la escuela – sigue. Maestros, profesores y el personal que se dedica al bienestar de los alumnos (psicólogos, sociólogos, enfermeras…) han puesto en práctica nuevas maneras de trabajar, con la ayuda de los municipios y del estado, y han buscado – y están buscando – nuevas maneras de trabajar con los alumnos. En este webinario, vamos a averiguar soluciones prácticas que se han llevado a cabo en esta situación excepcional. El webinario se realiza en español, por parte de Pekka Tukonen, director de una escuela finesa.

Los temas para tratar durante el webinario:

  • ¿Cómo se han organizado la enseñanza a distancia? ¿Qué herramientas se utilizan?
  • ¿Qué pros y contras se han encontrado en esta situación peculiar?
  • Cómo se apoyan a los alumnos de educación especial / que tienen problemas de aprendizaje o de atención, ya durante el aprendizaje “normal”?

Por favor, inscríbete antes del 3 de mayo al webinario. Este webinario es gratuíto.

Webinar on Covid-19

Making impossible possible - Finnish teacher's solutions to support pupil's learning and well-being during exceptional Corona-situation.

Covid-19 Lockdown teaching

The webinar format: introductory

Wednesday 22nd of April 2020 at 10:00 am UTC/GMT

COVID19 lockdown has forced the teachers, schools, and families to work in new ways, confront pressures and find new opportunities assisted and instructed by the Finnish government. In this webinar, we’ll look at the daily routines and new practices of Finnish schools and families during the Corona quarantine from the perspective of teachers and student’s learning and well-being.

Please sign up 24 hours prior to the webinar. This webinar is free of charge. 


Covid-19 Lockdown teaching

Phenomenon based learning - what is it all about?


The webinar format: introductory

Thursday 3rd of October 2019 at 6:30 am UTC/GMT

From modern research, we know a lot about the students’ cognitive functioning and the limits of knowledge processing in traditional academic settings. As the world is changing rapidly, the wide and complex phenomena/problems of the current world require thinking, which reaches beyond ‘borders’ of school subjects and disciplines. In this webinar, you will hear the basic idea behind the concept of phenomenon-based learning and some examples, how to apply it. 

Please sign up 48 hours prior to webinar. This webinar is free of charge. 


Past webinars

The trends and changes in Finnish national curriculum in the last 25 years and how it effects the teacher work
Read more about the webinar
How does the Finnish system support children's mental and academic development
Read more about the webinar
Key factors of Finnish Education
Read more about the webinar
Strengths and challenges of Teacher education
Read more about the webinar
How does the Finnish system supports the brain
Read more about the webinar

Webinar expert

Suvi2All the webinars are facilitated by Suvi Krista Westling.

Suvi Westling is an expert on educational psychology with a broad view of education and a deep understanding of the human mind. She has graduated from and later taught students in an innovative program of educational psychology at the University of Helsinki. Her teaching has included lecturing, supervising pre-service teachers’ practice, and facilitating group processes and phenomenon-based group studies. In her research, she has studied the quality of regulation of students’ learning and activity both at school and at teacher education. She has worked as an expert in educational program design at an academic level as well as in few international organizations.

Suvi has also gained grassroots experience with children and teenagers while working as a classroom teacher, youth worker, and camp supervisor in various places at earlier phases of her life. She has developed an international mindset and understanding of different cultures by participating and working in different international communities and networks, living and studying in Latin America (Chile).

If you have any questions concerning the webinars, please contact Suvi at or +358 405 526 031.

Want to book a 1-to-1 online session for you or for your organization?

Melina Rauhala

Ms. Rauhala (B.A.) is an educational sciences student at the University of Turku with studies also in the fields of psychology, business and HR, and sociology. As an education major, she is passionate about lifelong learning and the Finnish education system. She believes in change through education. In addition, Ms. Rauhala loves to learn new languages.  She completed an Erasmus + university exchange in Spain as a part of her studies and wants to work toward everyone getting international learning opportunities. Ms. Rauhala is working for VisitEDUfinn part-time while finishing her studies. 


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