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Super Week of Sustainability

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Super Week of Sustainability is your opportunity to learn from Finnish experts’ skills, mindset and methods for teaching sustainable development topics. We will dive into the world of sustainable development from different perspectives and together walk towards creating more sustainable future.

We are delighted to partner with Educational and Cultural Services, City of Oulu to provide teachers, educators and school administrators from around the world tools to create the school of the future today.

The central and sometimes difficult themes of sustainable development affect us all. But instead of losing hope, we can take an active role and act. The activity starts from interest and empathy towards nature and its diversity, because what you value, you want to take care of. That is the goal of the course: to take care of the future of the entire planet.

The themes of sustainable development must be brought to the fore in everything we do, in everyday school life. The aim of the course is to create an understanding of these themes and to concretize them to the level of making. We believe that the promotion of these themes belongs to the entire school community, not just to a few dedicated people. After the course, you will have the tools to act and promote sustainable development in your own work community.

Join us and enhance your teaching skills and methodologies in an innovative network of experts and schools from early childhood education, basic education, and upper secondary school. Together we build sustainable future.

The course is organized by Educational and Cultural Services, City of Oulu and VisitEDUfinn Ltd. We both have a track record of organizing educational events with the Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1 as required by the European Commission, suitable for teachers with ERASMUS+ grant. `

Course description

Sustainable development is one of the most crucial skills now and in the future. The purpose of this course is to give you the necessary skills, mindset and tools to promote sustainable development education in your own work and school. We will dive into sustainability topics from different perspectives, and offer you an opportunity to experience in practice, how sustainability teaching and learning can be integrated to the daily school life.

During this seven-day course, the participants familiarize themselves with the topics of sustainable development education. The course is based on the Learning Stream for Sustainable Future created by the city of Oulu. The course approaches sustainable development from four perspectives:

  • Strenghtening nature relationship
  • Circular economy
  • Climate competence
  • UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

The participants will also learn the basics of the Finnish Curriculum, gain insight into transversal competences in the Finnish Curriculum, and how sustainability topics can be integrated into teaching.

We are all learners in the stream of a sustainable future and grow together towards a sustainable lifestyle. Our goal with this course is to equip you with the tools raise and educate ecosocial individuals, who want to create a sustainable future for themselves and others.

Don’t miss out! 

Small actions make a big difference

As teachers, we should keep in mind the quote live as you preach. 

For this course, it means the following small actions: 

  • If you travel eco-friendly without flying, we give you a free ticket to either of our optional activities. 
  • In Oulu, we will mostly use public transport or walk to the different course sites (always when it is possible)
  • The meals served during the course are mostly vegetarian / low climate impact foods

What our clients say

Our course can now be tailored for private groups to fit your specific needs and schedule. To get a quote, Contact us at info@visitedufinn.com. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to develop your skills!


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Melina Rauhala

Ms. Rauhala (B.A.) is an educational sciences student at the University of Turku with studies also in the fields of psychology, business and HR, and sociology. As an education major, she is passionate about lifelong learning and the Finnish education system. She believes in change through education. In addition, Ms. Rauhala loves to learn new languages.  She completed an Erasmus + university exchange in Spain as a part of her studies and wants to work toward everyone getting international learning opportunities. Ms. Rauhala is working for VisitEDUfinn part-time while finishing her studies. 



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