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What is Teacher Job Shadowing?


IMPORTANT UPDATE! Secondary schools (pupils 13-15 years in Finland) and High schools (students 16-18 years in Finland) cannot take more job shadowing visitors during Spring 2025 in the Helsinki metropolitan area. We recommend considering other areas in Finland or postponing your visit to Autumn 2025.

VisitEDUfinn Ltd. offers you and your staff a unique opportunity to learn from the famous Finnish and Estonian education system by job shadowing Finnish and Estonian teachers. During your visit, you will observe everyday life in Finnish or Estonian schools and see how local teachers in their classrooms apply Finnish and Estonian education in practice. Before returning home, you will meet a Finnish or Estonian education expert and share your experiences during a wrap-up session. For job shadowing, we recommend a group of at least two people from one school, so the experiences can be shared and reflected upon during your visit. This may enhance more effective implementation at your own school. However, we cannot guarantee that a group of three people (or larger) can visit the same school. 

You and your colleagues can job shadow in any type of school, except for university: kindergartens (1-5 years), pre-primary (6 years), primary (7-12 years), lower secondary (13-15 years), high schools or vocational schools (16-18 years). You can choose your preference during the online registration process. The schools are in the Helsinki metropolitan area (southern Finland) or Tallinn (Estonia) unless you prefer otherwise, and we will help you realize your journey in a sustainable way.  

Expanding on this unique learning opportunity, VisitEDUfinn also offers the “Teach in a Finnish or Estonian School” program, an extra service for those interested in going beyond observation to actively engage in the Finnish and Estonian educational environment. After observing and reflecting on Finnish and Estonian teaching methods, participants will have the opportunity to plan and execute their own lessons, with constructive feedback from Finnish and Estonian educators. This hands-on experience enhances your understanding of Finnish and Estonian pedagogical principles and culminates in a distinctive certification, marking your direct teaching experience in Finland and Estonia. This program is an invaluable addition to your professional development, deepening your immersion into Finnish and Estonian educational practices.


Service fee

from 290€ per person
  • Extra days and schools available
  • Free access to online courses
  • Certificates

Why is Finland the Happiest Country in the World? Exploring the Role of Education


What our clients say

"It was an incredible trip! My feedback is nothing but positive, I absolutely loved it. The teachers were amazing and kind. They even took me to the rowing competition in Helsinki and we had so much fun! I loved working with the kids." 

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Unique educational conference setup – Visit Finnish schools and job shadow teachers by the Arctic Circle.

Melina Rauhala

Ms. Rauhala (B.A.) is an educational sciences student at the University of Turku with studies also in the fields of psychology, business and HR, and sociology. As an education major, she is passionate about lifelong learning and the Finnish education system. She believes in change through education. In addition, Ms. Rauhala loves to learn new languages.  She completed an Erasmus + university exchange in Spain as a part of her studies and wants to work toward everyone getting international learning opportunities. Ms. Rauhala is working for VisitEDUfinn part-time while finishing her studies. 



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