Defining Happiness
Happiness is not just a feel-good emotion, but, when understood more broadly, it is a deeper state of contentment that guides our entire lives, enhancing our physical and mental well-being and relationships. In the professional sphere, happy individuals are often more productive, more innovative, and can navigate challenges with greater resilience.
But this is not a self-help course, and we do not try to oversimplify the essence of happiness to the point where every individual can decide to be happy.
We take into account the sociocultural context and strive to highlight structural factors through which communities, such as society or school, can enhance the conditions for their members’ happiness.
What do the Finns who top the world happiness index year after year say about this concept so hard to define?
“It comes as a byproduct when one forgets self-worship and focuses on serving people.“
“Above all, happiness is a normal, steady and good everyday life. The basics are fine. A good life also includes something that doesn’t always feel happy.”
“The forest is my second home. It’s easy to be there and explore your own thoughts. Even death can be better understood through nature. Although I am not religious, we are all governed by the same laws of nature.”
“For me, happiness is freedom: I get to do what I want and look how I want.”
Finnish happiness is connection to others, the freedom to be oneself, enjoying the ordinary everyday life, and a deep connection to nature. The old Finnish proverb says “He who has happiness should hide it.” However, we want to share our happiness with all of you. Welcome!
Core themes of the course
- The Finnish welfare state and Finnish education system overview
- The role of nature in Finnish society
- Nature pedagogics
- Happiness in the Finnish society
- The Finnish lifestyle (Balance and happiness)
- Applying Finnish principles in different settings
Tentative day-by-day program
SUNDAY – Welcome words, introduction and getting to know each other
- Arriving at the venue
- Welcome lunch
- Lecture: Introduction to the Finnish welfare state and education system
- Sauna and swimming
MONDAY – Nature as a part of Finnish identity
- Breakfast
- The role of nature in Finnish society
- Lunch break
- Socratic walk as a pedagogical activity
TUESDAY – Nature pedagogies
- Breakfast
- Learning through and about nature
- Lunch break
- Workshop: How to implement nature pedagogy in your own environment?
- Forest trip and learning about every man’s rights
WEDNESDAY- Happiness in Finnish context
- Breakfast
- Lecture: The happiness in Finnish society. Onnellisuus= being content with life
- Lunch break
- What does Finnish happiness mean? Interactive discussion
- Optional evening activities
THURSDAY – Drawing inspiration from Finnish happiness to your own life and school community
- Breakfast
- Balance & Gratitude workshop: Finding balance in your own life
- Lunch break
- Promoting happiness in your schools: Strategies to create happiness in school culture
- International conference dinner
FRIDAY – Analysing and recognizing different cultural settings, preparing an action plan
- Breakfast
- Adapting Finnish Happiness Principles to Diverse Cultural Contexts
- Lunch break
- FREE AFTERNOON (preparing your own action plan)
SATURDAY – Wrap-up and feedback
- Breakfast
- Wrap-up session, time for discussion. Reviewing key takeaways
- Farewell lunch
- Transfer back to Helsinki
Registration and prices
How can I participate?
All registrations must be done using the online registration form.
Discounts available for groups of 5 or more participants! Contact for more information.
If you want to send a group, but you don’t know yet all participants’ names, it is possible to add them to the registration form like this:
participant 1, participant 2, etc.
If you have problems or questions about completing the online form, please contact
(Read more about grants and other options for financial support.)
If you have Erasmus+ KA1 funding, it should cover the fees. For those who come from outside the EU countries, there are other professional development grants for teachers. We have tried to keep the costs so low that self-funded participation is also a real option.
The price excludes Finnish VAT 24%. For VAT exemption, you need to register as a representative/employee of a company or organization and during the registration, attach a tax certificate, trade register extract, or similar from your country. A screenshot/picture of a VAT-number or Erasmus-related OID (Organization ID) are also acceptable.
Course fee 660€
Price includes
The meal package (140€ excl. VAT) is obligatory, and it includes:
- 6 lunches (including a School lunch), 2 dinners, and refreshments and coffee during conference sessions.
Other expenses
Airline tickets, accommodation, and local travel tickets to be bought separately.
When we confirm the course we send a link to pay with a credit card or an invoice to make a bank transfer. The participant should assume all the bank transaction fees.
Please note that all payments must be made in advance and in euros (€).
Cancellation policy
We can confirm this course once we have received 10 registrations. Note that also pre-registration is binding; as there is a minimum and maximum number of participants, every registration counts.
Cancellation by participant
All cancellations must be made by email to at least a month before the course starts. If you do not cancel your participation at all, you will be charged the full fee. Please note that a processing fee of 50€ (excl. VAT) will be deducted from all refunds. If unable to attend, the registered person may substitute someone else from the same organization by sending a notification to
Cancellation by VisitEDUfinn
If the documents attached during the registration process are not valid, and the participant does not deliver proper documents immediately after requested, VisitEDUfinn has the right to cancel the participation without any refund. However, participation is always possible, paying the normal fee (or the price difference).
In case the event is canceled due to COVID-19 or a similar situation, all the payments will be refunded without any processing fee. VisitEDUfinn is not responsible for any damage caused by the cancellation and strongly recommends purchasing flexible flight tickets and accommodation.
Invitation letters
VisitEDUfinn will write invitation letters only after the full payment. If the participant cannot get a visa and sends evidence about the rejected visa application, VisitEDUfinn will refund the paid amount. However, 100€ (excl. VAT) will be deducted as an administrative fee.
Frequently Asked Questions about Registration and Fees
Ms. Melina Rauhala

Ms. Rauhala (BA) is an enthusiast in lifelong learning. Ms. Rauhala has worked for VisitEDUfinn as a school visit coordinator during the school year 2022-2023 and is currently working as a freelancer lecturer/host. She is an education professional, completing her Master of Arts in Education by summer 2024. As a part of her studies, she is completing teacher training studies in adult education and learning by Spring 2024. During her studies, she has been focusing on psychology, business administration, and sociology. Ms. Rauhala is especially interested in adult learning and the Finnish education system. Melina has up-to-date academic knowledge of education.
Melina’s interests include comparative and international education, and she believes you can change the world through education.
VisitEDUfinn (OID CODE: E10020922 / PIC CODE: 899855324) organises ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility job shadowing and professional courses designed for teachers at all levels. Our programs are organized in different parts of Finland in cooperation with other stakeholders in the field of education (schools, universities, municipalities).
All the courses are designed following the Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1 and participants are provided with certificates that meet the Europass criteria.
Course title:
The Art of Happy Learning Practices
- Teachers at all levels from kindergarten to secondary and adult education
- Special education teachers
- School management and leadership
- All other education professionals
Working methods
- Workshops
- Facilitated discussions
- Learning through and about nature
- Teamwork and Presentations
- Learning diary/ action plan
Course outcomes
- Understanding of the Finnish Education System: Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of Finland’s renowned education system and how it contributes to the nation’s overall happiness and well-being.
- Insight into Nature Pedagogics: Participants will learn about the significance of nature in Finnish society and how nature pedagogics plays a vital role in the learning process.
- Appreciation of the Finnish Lifestyle: Through exploring the Finnish lifestyle, participants will understand the balance between work and leisure and how it contributes to happiness in society.
- Knowledge of the Finnish Welfare State: Attendees will become familiar with the structure and benefits of the Finnish welfare state, which plays a crucial role in supporting the country’s education system and overall well-being.
- Application of Finnish Principles: Participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to apply Finnish principles in various settings, allowing them to incorporate elements of the Finnish education system, lifestyle, and nature pedagogics into their own contexts.
These outcomes will provide participants with a holistic understanding of the factors that contribute to Finland’s success in education and overall happiness.
European/ International dimension
We wait participants from many European countries as well as from outside Europe. Sharing ideas together with colleagues from different countries offers a broader perspective on the topic. The course is also a great opportunity for networking for future collaboration.
The course will be held in a nature-friendly resort near Helsinki. We will announce the location on this page soon. Each participant will pay for their accommodation directly to the lodging place.
General Information
How to get from the airport to the hotels
Several Taxi companies are offering their services in the airport. The price to the city center is approximately 50€. There are also public transportation options; both the railway and bus station are located in the airport. The price is around 5€, depending on whether you pay cash or use an application or ticket machine.
Weather in Helsinki
Depending on the time of the year, the temperature can be anything between -30 and +30 Celsius. Please visit the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s website for updated news on weather in Helsinki.
The official languages in Finland are Finnish and Swedish, but practically everyone knows basic English, and especially the people involved in tourism speak very good English.
The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Besides, Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).
The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.
The time in Finland is GMT/UTC+2 (During Daylight Saving Time +3)

Is Helsinki the coolest city in the world?
Probably yes! In the capital of Finland, you can find the influence of both our neighbors, Sweden and Russia, but still the city is unique. It’s a modern metropole with over 650, 000 inhabitants (1,5 million in the larger metropolitan area) and yet you are never more than a 10-minute walk from nature. On the same day, you can pick berries in a forest and go to the Opera. Helsinki is a lively big city that never sleeps, but so safe that you can see 7-year-old first graders the take the tram to school on their own.
Feeling the fresh breeze of the Baltic Sea while wandering around the picturesque streets of this easy-going city, it is not so difficult to imagine why Finns are the happiest nation in the world. After the walk, warm yourself up with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon bun. These coffee breaks with friends and colleagues are almost sacred moments to Finns.
While in Helsinki, check out the libraries as a social innovation in Finnish education, interactive museums, the islands around Helsinki and the sauna. There are many more attractions that promise unforgettable experience in Helsinki such as Alvar Aalto’s studio, Helsinki Cathedral by Carl Ludvig Engel, Senate Square, Old Market Hall, Löyly sauna and restaurant, and much more.
Check out What’s up in Helsinki during your study visit!
Education in Finland
During our events and courses, you will get familiar with all the characteristics of Finnish education:
How is education in Finland?
- One of the basic principles is that everyone must have equal access to high-quality education and training.
- Each student has the right to educational support.
- Special needs education is generally provided within mainstream education.
- The Finnish education system is based on the philosophy of inclusion.
- Educational support and guidance covers support for learning according to the individual capacity of the learners, school attendance, pupil welfare, and guidance and counseling. The learning of gifted pupils and students is supported.
- The education system is based on trust and responsibility.
- Educational autonomy is high at all levels.
- Most education is publicly funded.
- National core curriculum gives space for local variations.
- Learning outside the classroom is common.
- The first national examination is at the end of general upper secondary education.
- Teaching continues to be an attractive profession.
- Finnish schools have highly educated teaching personnel.
- Continuing teacher education is widely encouraged.
Contact Information
For additional information about this course, please contact:
VisitEDUfinn Ltd.
c/o Eira High School for Adults
Iso Roobertinkatu 20-22 A
Tel. +358 407 516 478